Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Adding Postal Address of HCMApplicant


If you want to add a postal address in D365 FnO against party. or DirPartyTable. My use case was while creating a HCMApplicant we need to make sure that applicant address must be created. Thus the link between them is the Party associated with HCMApplicant. and once that partyrecid is available you can create an address based on it.

public static void createPartyAddress()   


 DirPartyRecId partyRecId = DirPartyTable::createNew( DirPartyType::Person, "Firstname+middlename+lastname").RecId

//Note Here I am assuming that partyRecId is also associated with HCMApplicant and not showing code of HCMAppliation table here.


DirPartyTable dirPartyTable= DirPartyTable::findRec(partyRecId);          

DirParty dirParty;        DirPartyPostalAddressView dirPartyPostalAddressView;          

// Create instance of dirParty        

dirParty = DirParty::constructFromCommon(dirPartyTable, DirUtility::getCurrentDateTime(), dirPartyTable.partyType());          

// Create primary address                

dirPartyPostalAddressView.LocationName      = "Address";        

dirPartyPostalAddressView.City              = "Lahore";        

dirPartyPostalAddressView.Street            = "One Microsoft Way";        

dirPartyPostalAddressView.StreetNumber      = "18";        

dirPartyPostalAddressView.CountryRegionId   = "PAK";        

dirPartyPostalAddressView.IsPrimary         = NoYes::Yes;          



Wednesday, August 23, 2023

 D365 Export data on a File - Using Action Menu Item Button click

Exporting a table data

Here is the Action Menu Class 

using System.IO;

using OfficeOpenXml;

using OfficeOpenXml.Style;

using OfficeOpenXml.Table;

class SLD_CBLDyeingProcessCodeLineExport


    public static void main(Args _args)


        CommaStreamIo           io                      = CommaStreamIo::constructForWrite();

        str                     fileName                = strFmt('%1.csv', "Chemical Lines Export"), fileContent;

        str                     runTime;


       CBLDyeingProcessCodeLine  cBLDyeingProcessCodeLine;


        // Write header

        io.writeExp(["Serial Number", "Process Id", "Process Type", "Parameter", "Item", "Item Name", "Density", "Gram / Liter", "Time bases", "Consumption", "Chemical rate Rs./Kg", "Cost/Meter","Value" ]);


        // Write line

        while select firstfast cBLDyeingProcessCodeLine


















        // Set stream

        System.IO.Stream stream = io.getStream();

        stream.Position =0;

        // Set stream reader

        System.IO.StreamReader sReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream);

        // Set file cotentn strin

        fileContent = sReader.ReadToEnd();

        // Save file

        file::SendStringAsFileToUser(fileContent, fileName);



Monday, August 14, 2023

D365 Excel File Import - Dialouge

 To import excel file you need to create two classes and third you need to use them


1) SLD_FileUploadDialogBuilder

/// <summary>
/// Creates a File Dialog and returnns the dialog instance
/// </summary>
public final class SLD_FileUploadDialogBuilder
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructs a dialog with file upload control
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name = "_dialogCaption"></param>
    /// <param name = "_dialogGrpFieldLabelTitle"></param>
    /// <param name = "_fileUloadControlId"></param>
    /// <param name = "_fileTypeAcceptd"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Dialog construct(str _dialogCaption, str _dialogGrpFieldLabelTitle, str _fileUloadControlId, str _fileTypeAcceptd = ".xlsx")
        Dialog dialog = new Dialog(_dialogCaption);
        DialogGroup dlgUploadGroup = dialog.addGroup(_dialogGrpFieldLabelTitle);
        FormBuildControl formBuildControl = dialog.formBuildDesign().control(;

        FileUploadBuild fileUploadBuild =   formBuildControl.addControlEx(classStr(FileUpload), _fileUloadControlId); FileUploadStyle::MinimalWithFilename);

        return dialog;




2) SLD_ImportExcelHelper

internal final class SLD_DyeingProcessCodeImportExcelHelper

    public static void openDialogToUploadFile()
         //Construct dialog
        str fileUploadCtrlId = "UploadCtrl";
        Dialog dialog = SLD_FileUploadDialogBuilder::construct("Import Chemical Lines from Excel", "@SYS54759", fileUploadCtrlId, ".xlsx");

        if ( && dialog.closedOk())
              //perform excel reading and other operation
            SLD_DyeingProcessCodeImportExcelHelper::startProcessExcelFile(dialog, fileUploadCtrlId);

            info("Import is completed.");
            warning("No file / canceled");


    private static void startProcessExcelFile(Dialog _dialog, str _fileUploadCtrlId)
        int fileControlId = _dialog.formRun().controlId(_fileUploadCtrlId);
        FileUpload fileUploadControl = _dialog.formRun().control(fileControlId);
        FileUploadTemporaryStorageResult fileUploadResult = fileUploadControl.getFileUploadResult();

        if (fileUploadResult != null && fileUploadResult.getUploadStatus())
            using (System.IO.Stream fileStream = fileUploadResult.openResult())
                using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage excelPackage = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(fileStream))
                    using ( OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet excelWrkSheet =  excelPackage.get_Workbook().get_Worksheets().get_Item(1))
                        using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange excelRange = excelWrkSheet.Cells)
                            int lastRow = excelWrkSheet.Dimension.End.Row;
                            for (int rowNum = 2; rowNum <= lastRow; rowNum++)
                                    str processId = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 1).Value; //master order
                                    str receiptLineNum = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 2).Value;
                                    str processType = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 3).Value;
                                    str parameterName = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 4).Value;
                                    str itemId = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 5).Value;
                                    str itemName = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 6).Value;

                                    str density = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 7).Value;
                                    str gramPerLtr = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 8).Value;
                                    str timeBased = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 9).Value;
                                    str consumptionKg = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 10).Value;
                                    str chemicalRateRsPerKg = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 11).Value;
                                    str costPerMeter = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 12).Value;
                                    str value = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 13).Value;
                                    str boxAndCane = excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 14).Value;
                                    str rupees =  excelRange.get_Item(rowNum, 15).Value;

                                    if (SLD_DyeingProcessCodeImportExcelHelper::validateFileKeyFieldsInfo (processId, receiptLineNum))
                                        processId = strRTrim(strLTrim(processId));
                                        receiptLineNum = strRTrim(strLTrim(receiptLineNum));
                                        processType = strRTrim(strLTrim(processType));
                                        parameterName = strRTrim(strLTrim(parameterName));
                                        itemId = strRTrim(strLTrim(itemId));

                                        // reset your db insert logic here



finally, a button click handler

    class btnImportChemicalLinesDialogue
        /// <summary>
        ///      Opens the dialog to upload an excel file
        /// </summary>
        public void clicked()

            SLD_DyeingProcessCodeImportExcelHelper::openDialogToUploadFile(); // note you can also pass form run in parameters



Adding Postal Address of HCMApplicant

 Hi, If you want to add a postal address in D365 FnO against party. or DirPartyTable. My use case was while creating a HCMApplicant we need ...